donderdag 11 februari 2010

The first Daffodils of Spring!
Snowed a few centimeters last night too!
What number are we at for sweeping the snow away?
Lost count a while ago.
Should be a dry, high of 0C weekend!
Memories of a warm Summer's day!
Took a photo of something with colour!
There's enough snowy photos of our garden!
Here's the Ikea chair!
A nice place to sit and enjoy
the afternoon winter sun!
The wind is out the East today.
.. brrrrr
-7C tonight!
How did one embroider earlier without Google?
I guess there were colour and number charts
somewhere around the house to help with this step!
The flight of the Bumble Bee!

1 opmerking:

  1. O woohoo..
    Your going fast.
    I have to hurry with my housecleaning and schoolwork.So I too can go back to the funwork.
    And, euhmmm did some snowcleaning this morning in the backyard...
