dinsdag 29 juni 2010

26C in the shade!
Time to find water and shade!
How to measure the sun's strength!
Hosta's do well in the shade.
Siesta time!

maandag 28 juni 2010

Good Morning!
Will be 29C today.
Thought I would share a few more photo's!
This flower will be fine!
I took a look over the fence!
Looks inviting for these summer days!
Even one chair amongst the blooms is inviting!
Great for bees!

A bird bath at the Bamboo garden
Flower and leaf combination ideas
All shapes and sizes and all sorts of green!
Love the Hosta's and this garden design!
It was a really great Hosta day!

zondag 27 juni 2010

The Netherlands Hosta Society had a great Hosta day out yesterday! Perfect weather for a grand garden tour of the provinces Drenthe and Friesland. This building dating from 1895 is the first and oldest senior home in Drenthe. The last renovations, in 1974, have turned it into 4 private homes. One of the gardens we went to visit is 1200 m2.
Had to take a closer look!
Any old pottery lying around?
There are about 100 different Hosta's here!
No signs of slugs!

We enjoyed coffee and Dutch Apple Pie at "De Luie Tuinman", The Lazy Gardener. There are 24 different smaller gardens to stroll through. Is that lazy? Here's the veg garden!
This idea in the Blue garden
is one idea that I will take to the allotment!
I spotted this between the huge Hosta's.
Maybe this is where the Slugs are hiding?

We walked along quiet county roads to our next stop.
The Bamboo exposition garden
and nursery, Mei Chu
80 kinds of Bamboo
in a 6 acre garden!

Then to Oldeberkoop in Friesland to
admire Piet's 250 sort Hosta collection!
Hosta Sagae isn't missed here!
Great surroundings for growing Hosta's.
Here's a great creative solution
to display Hosta's!
Yesterday was sunny and warm and enjoyed
with the Hosta Society in a new part of
The Netherlands.
I didn't bring home any Hosta's
but these creatures are now in our garden!

maandag 21 juni 2010

After a hard day at the office or at work it's always nice
to be able to putter about in the garden!
A beautiful evening too!
The neighbour's, Number 55, is for sale.
A blue sky background!
Summer is off to a great start!

Summer time!

zondag 20 juni 2010

from Baarn!