zaterdag 30 april 2011

Time to test out the mini muffin pan today!
Planted (Canadian) Acorn Squash seeds.
Now, we wait!
There are a few plants growing from last week!

And the beans are ready to be planted!

It's 30 April!
Wow! What Wisteria!
Hosta's almost in flower!

Garden chairs and cushions in the shade!

Spring is looking good!

Weekend! To let you know before this weekend starts:

The Tulips are looking great at Buitenzorg

Beans have been soaking for the Allotment!
The neighbours junk is my treasure!

An old drinkbowl from my Uncle's farm on Texel

has a new life as a flower pot in my garden!

The sheep and the cement leaf came

from the old homestead as well!

zondag 24 april 2011

Today is our 9th wedding Anniversary!

And 11 years in The Netherlands for me!
Teapot and Teacup cookie cutter's from Canada!
Thanks Mom! Afternoon Teas will be even more fun!
Planted seeds for the allotment this morning!

And a few veg pots for home. Chard and Pattipan Sqash

Then a Summer Lunch as it's 22C !

zaterdag 23 april 2011

To all of you!

You can always make a quilt

with all the egg shells!

donderdag 21 april 2011

April 20 and 25C!
The Design Daffodils are showing!
No rain to dampen their spirits!
And no rain for the week ahead.

And these are looking good too!

zondag 17 april 2011

An afternoon out in Baarn included a walk to a garden centre to get ideas...
and see new flowers!
Then a walk to Kasteel Groeneveld Park.
And at home we were creative!
The Netherlands Tile Museum A trip to Roosendaal
and to Breda

woensdag 13 april 2011

No, that's no Lens Error on my digital camera today! That seems to be ok now. Just have to make sure that there's not a lot of dust, sand and dirt around the lens when it's closed. Dropped in at the Kringloop today on the way back from the allotment. Never have seen a lamp like this! And that is where it stayed!
Some plants made it through the long white winter while others did not.
Planted 2 new Rheum palmatum Tanguticum

zondag 10 april 2011

Brought out an old cookbook this morning! Found a recipe to use cornmeal!
Stopped in at Hoogvliet in Soest last week to grocery shop...
A great way to test a recipe and test my camera !
and thanks to camerarepair.blogspot via Google, it works!