donderdag 25 maart 2010

The order that we placed Sunday via the web arrived!
Safety glasses and ear protectors! Woo Hoo!
Now I can get on with doing some serious sanding!
Between Weeding work that is!
Free compost in Baarn!
Picked up a few bags with the bike trailer!
Great for the new Butterfly and Bee Border!
The circle is PVC pipe wrapped in innertubes.
A frame for a red flowering climber this summer.
That's the plan anyway!
Hosta 'noses' are showing!
A glorious sunny breezy 18C today!
Haven't had the furnace on for a few days!

1 opmerking:

  1. Yes, everything is ready for some sunshine. I to see my presious plants trying to get into bloom. But my Viburnum isn't doing that well. Still keep my fingers crossed, hopefuly with a few weeks it's clear if they are dead or alive....
