zondag 24 mei 2009

23C today! The week has been filled with Weeding.nl gardens to weed, enjoying campfires at Buitenzorg with the camp staff and puttering around in our garden. The ikea gate has found a place in the garden. The gate was simple to divide into two. Remove three screws with an Alen wrench down the middle. That was step one. How to attatch the two pices to the wooden poles? Drill a hole the size of the `foot´ an inch or two deep then stick a `foot´ in it!
Here´s a view of one side of the gate. The big leafy plant is a poppy. I don´t know what colour it is. I recieved it last Autumn as a small seedling. It did overwinter well!
The other half of the gate. In the back ground are Hosta´s in pots. Just recieved an invitation from the Nederlandse Hosta Vereniging to their 20 year celebration as an association. www.hostavereniging.nl Looks like a lot of fun! Entrance fee is 1 Hosta in a pot to help decorate and to participate in the `Best Hosta in a pot´. Every participant recieves a surprise!
A view looking from the house to the shed. Summer Yellow paint is now on the wood trim under the flat roof, the window frame and door. A job that´s not bad to do at home but I wouldn´t want to do this as a profession! I like gardening. Feet on the ground and most work is done below eye level.
Summer Yellow it is!

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