vrijdag 2 april 2010

This morning they started working with chainsaws on the willows on the dyke. The idea now is that trees on and by the dykes have to go. "Water management" they call it.
This was about 8:30 this morning as I went to work.
The view by 3:30 pm!
So this photo from 2007 ...
is history.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. well, sometimes I don't get it! Tree's can be a burden in the garden, but most of the time tree's are just a pretty picture. Like the photo from 2007. So what are they doing about the water management??

  2. Oh no, what a waste! The trees weren't sick or anything, were they? So they just cut down perfectly healthy trees? Murder, I say. There aren't enough trees in the world as it is. Sheesh.

